Thursday, August 24, 2017

Day 128 - Moose Mecca

Funny how things work out sometimes. I can't tell you how many time Lizzy and I have purposefully foraged for meese. We've traveled to Walden, specifically, too may times to count. though it was just our time in the bucket, Paul and Rosie call for a last lunch visit in Walden. We talked last night about how early we wanted to begin our journey because Walden is...well...meese haven. We agreed that we'd rise early and spend the morning in the Arapaho Wildlife Refuge and meet P&R at noon thereafter.

At 5 minutes to five I awoke and whispered to Lizzy, "You awake?"
"Wanna go early or just wait and rendezvous for lunch?"
"Let's just do lunch."
"OK...snore!!" 8:30AM we left the Boat, casually stopped by Starbucks (see...I told you Steamboat was the greatest) and slowly made our way over Rabbit Ears Pass en route to Walden. At gravel CR-34 we turned east and headed cross-country toward Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge.

Just off Hwy 125 a little north of Rand Colorado. Put it on your bucket list!

We crested the gravel hill at the entrance and made a right turn onto Moose Goose Trail. We had gone no further than 300 yards when I looked left and saw Marvin Moose lying in the grass not 40 yards away. Whoa!! How cool is that??

At first Marvin ignored me thinking I was just another dumb tourist. Ha!

Then he looked over as if to say..."Scram, buddy, can't you see I'm trying to get some rest here?"

Next thing you know I've got the window down and my pathetic replica of Wildlife Willie's "Big One" pointed out the window directly at Marvin. He was like..."Enough is enough!"" and stood up as if to say, "See, I'm bigger than you...get the hell outta here!!"

I think Marvin Moose is trying to tell me something

He's very persuasive...he's got my attention!

The last thing we wanted to do was get into an argument with a moose. So...we dropped ole Jethro into drive and slowly crept along the gravel hoping to find another cooperative photo subject. Bingo! It's Melvin Moose, Marvin's big brother!

Can you say...chill?

Melvin is flicking a few flies. He's a real dude!!

Well, about that time we were spotted by some other free-loading, freelance, photo freaks. I swear, no matter where you go and at what expense, there's always someone else there ready to hog your space. This planet is just becoming entirely too small. 

Oh well...we courteously yielded our box seats to the newcomers and even paused to roll down the window and talk wildlife-talk as though we were park rangers. Then we did an about face and went back to check on Marvin.

Marvin has little patience.

Marvin has had it...he's on the move.

Well...I must say...for a late morning chance happening, this one ranks way up there. It's like the frog says, "Time's fun when your'e havin' flies!" And boy, were we havin' flies!! When I think of how many other times we've planned...and strategized... and plotted to be at just the right place at just the right time. But, that just goes to show you, "If at first you do not fricassee, then fry and fry a hen!"

All the while we are listening to a 150-hour history book all about the Civil War. I'm fascinated about how folks could share seats in the senate one day, and look at each other down a musket barrel the next. So...we paused for another chapter or two while we waited for the 12 0'clock rendezvous with Paul and Rosie. We enjoyed a great lunch and said our adieux Boerne later this year, perhaps.

On the way home, we forewent the main highway and climbed back on the gravel. Here's why:

Whodathunk that when I was playing football in high school that I'd become a sucker for beauty?

For just doesn't get any better.

As we've said many times before...we're so glad that you've chosen to ride along with us. It's much more fun when you can share your experiences with others. Unfortunately, we'll be leaving the "Boat" on Sunday. But, we've got some special things planned for the ride home. Until then...let us hear from you!  We look forward to seeing many of you once we return to Big-D!


  1. I don't want you Nomads to end this adventure - I enjoy your pictures and writing so much.

  2. Love the pics and all the fun you guys are having!!! Joanie
