Saturday, May 20, 2017

Day 54 - Beauty All Around

Rocky Hill Farm is a solid definition of an "11th inning home run!" We're so glad our original reservation backfired and we discovered this place. It's a real treasure where beauty abounds. Here's a typical evening on the back porch looking out at the Weeping Cherry:

Enjoying the Weeping Cherry

Sadly, nothing lasts forever. The next image shows the last Weeping Cherry Blossom of this spring taking its final curtain call. It yields the stage to the Lilacs that are waiting in the wings to perform their rites of spring.

Final Weeping Cherry Blossom

Enter - The Lilacs

The Lilacs' Performance

As you enter the Rocky Hill Farm Theatre, all the halls and corridors are bedecked with floral splendor.

The President's Box

Flora Concession Stand

Other Performers

We returned from Bar Harbor yesterday shortly after noon. We spent most of the day just enjoying our environs here. Today is a gorgeous day and we have spent it here as well. I have no idea what other times of the year in Maine are like, but Spring, especially spring here at Rocky Hill Farm, is "fine by me!"

Oh...I almost forgot. The prettiest flower among them all. It's appropriately named, "The Southern Belle." Can you see it?

Southern Belle - prettiest flower on the grounds! She's very shy and understated.

1 comment:

  1. Is that a pipe I see ?
    Careful as it may make you even a better and more perspective writer.
