Monday, April 17, 2017

Day 17-22 - Backatcha! Every Rose has it's Thorns!

Gunner Greeting - that's our barn apartment next to Gunner's head

Gunner the gregarious camel was there to greet us after:
  1. One broken water heater intake line
  2. One insurance claim
  3. One wet neighbor
  4. An overnight with gracious friends Reb & Vickie in Arkansas
  5. One dinner with our awesome friends Beth, Bill and Sandy back home
  6. Five unschedule days of travel
  7. 2000 miles of unscheduled detour delay
  8. One four-wheeled vehicle instead of a two-wheeler
Gunner just seemed to understand.

All things considered, it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Last evening (Easter Sunday Eve) we enjoyed an amazing and festive Greek Orthodox spread to end all spreads. We were hosted by the daughter of friends Randy and Denise,  Kaarin.  You may remember my Jr and Sr high school buddy, Randy from near Seattle last year. We caught up after 50 years and picked up where we left off. Turns out Kaarin and her husband Demetri live here in Lexington just a mile or so away from our abode at the Fink Farm. The world gets smaller and smaller. 

The delightful fare included:
  • Kentucky Bourbon
  • Two homemade sausages: Greek and Italian
  • Lamb
  • Chicken
  • Spanakopita
  • Greek Lasagne
  • Greek Salad
  • Five (count 'em, five) desserts:
    1)Chocolate Cake, 2)Banana Pudding, 3)Mexican Cheesecake, 4)Apple Pie, 5)Rice Krispy treats!  ALL were homemade!!
Randy and Denise are in the final stages of their road trip having amassed some 7000+ miles since leaving Seattle and traveling much of the Southwest and Texas. As we head towards Maine at the end of April, they will be pointing their truck and fifth-wheel towards home.

Today was a great day. We basked in the warm Kentucky sunshine. While the day began with a few showers, like Texas, just wait five minutes and the weather changes. This time it was in our favor.

Some have asked us: "Why Kentucky?" 
We respond: "Why not, Kentucky?"
Here's a few snaps of just a short drive near the farm where we stay. Not too bad!!

WARNING: Do not view the following photographs if you cannot fathom Kentucky Bluegrass Green images!!!

Clairborne Farm is a retirement home for past derby winners and other four-legged notables

Clairborne Farms entrance

Kentucky landscape near us at Fink Farm

Typical Kentucky country road

Lots to mow...can you find the tractor?

The original "Painted Pony"

Land of five-board fences

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had an happy Easter in company of friends.
    Great pics !
