If you believed the weather forecasts for Lexington, Kentucky you'd never get out of bed, let alone making a 200 mile drive through the countryside. Life's funny like that. Seems the more we try to outsmart mother nature, the more we are likely to miss out on.
Today was just such a day. The forecasts was 30-40% chance of rain. That translates into fabulous, dramatic skies as backdrops for your pictures. As you know, by now, Lizzy loves the barn quilts that decorate the landscape here in Kentucky. Now, that's not to say they're around every corner, but with all the amazing scenery here. they're more like accents. Barns, on the other hand, do dominate the landscape; they're literally everywhere. The come in all colors, shapes and sizes, but lots are flat black with contrasting trim adorning the barn doors or windows.
Barns can be almost any color imaginable. The quilt designs, once again, are emblematic and unique, Each is like a family "coat of arms."
Today's outing took us south and west of Lexington through little towns like Nicholasville, Danville, Loretto, and Gravel Switch. As a matter of fact, if any of you make plans to travel in Kentucky, do yourself a favor and drive or ride Gravel Switch Road; you won' regret it. It's Heaven on asphalt.
Kentucky spring was strutting her stuff today. The temps were in the high 70s and low 80s. The breeze was perfect and the clouds put on a show that was awe inspiring.
Many of you have offered warm responses and comments to our blog. We really appreciate hearing from you, so don't be shy. I try to answer any and all letters from home. Several have commented on the photos and asked about camera selection. Today's photos were all shot with my trusty phone. That's right folks, the secret to great photography is being someplace where it makes no difference which way you point the camera. Kentucky is just such a place. Of course, it helps to hold the camera or phone steady when you excitedly press the button. It's hard...but it's worth it.
Tomorrow is a special treat! Our host, Mike, is taking me to play golf at a beautiful course nearby. I'm so excited. In fact, I cut my bourbon ration short today and am retiring early just to be ready for tomorrow. So...stay tuned!!
Keep those cards and letters coming!!
Love to see the Kentucky countryside. No wonder you have chosen it as your favorite state.